01952 984223

Visit Telford Town Park

What you need to know about Telford Town Park The Telford Town Park was named by the United Kingdom to be one of the best parks which were followed by a public vote that was carried out. The awards that took place were organized by the Fields in Trust which is known...

Visit Wroxeter roman city

Wroxter roman city is basically a village found in Shropshire, England, which forms a part of the civil parish in the Wroxeter plus uppington region and located in the banks of river servern. Wroxeter roman city is known for its roman lifestyle of the people living...

Visit Merrythought Ltd

Merrythought limited was established in 1930 and is a private toy manufacturing company found in the United Kingdom. It was founded by Gordon Holmes and George H. Laxton and its headquarters are located in Shropshire England. The company specializes in making toys of...

Visit the Buildwas Abbey in Telford

Buildwas abbey is the remains of the ruins of Cistercian abbey, which have been transformed and maintained at the same place to give and restore how the things were at the Cistercian abbey. It is located in the banks of river Severn in buildwas, Shropshire, England...